
Saber – Underwater Inspection

We offer underwater inspection services that range from marine infrastructure asset inspection, post-event inspection, marine environment studies, and seabed mapping. These services are offered under out “Saber” fleet of underwater robots.

Port Asset Inspection

Coral & Seabed Assessment

Underwater Photography

Misbar - Marine Environment Surveys

Long-term marine surveys, either near-shore or offshore, are expensive and time consuming. Our fleet of “Misbar” surface robots can perform environmental surveys and collect various data related to water quality, current profiling, and bathymetry, at fraction of the typical cost.

Fish Farming & Marine Monitoring

Meteorology & Oceanography

Environmental Impact Assessment

Other services

We help in building profitable and sustainable fish farms from the infrastructure up to the value stream. Our range of solutions dedicated to aquaculture (iFeed and iFeed App) help you grow as the farm grows. We also offer farm performance assessments and analytical reports to enhance operations.

We help you make most of marine data, using deep-learning techniques merged with human expert knowledge. Our analysis involves marine asset assessment, environment assessment, biodiversity assessment, and feasibility studies for aquaculture and fish farming.

We build customized hardware, sensors, and software that will meet your requirements and budget. We are also pioneers in implementing IoT and AI technologies in the marine and fisheries sectors.

Our experts are here to aid you. Whether you need consultation in building aquaculture farm, implementing technology to monitor environmental parameters, or fabricating a waterproof product that will be deployed in the ocean. We love to help!

We conduct engineering and scientific training sessions for both youth and kids to spread awareness about sustainability and marine technology. Engineering workshops range from IoT, machine learning, and robotics. Scientific workshops include aquaculture, recycling, and dissection of fish.

We understand that marine sensors and instruments can be expensive. We offer rental of various equipment accompanied by training sessions to support sustainable initiatives for our ocean.

To Request our Services

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